Monday, December 11, 2006

Yale University has introduced an official podcast, the Yale Podcast that features lectures and speeches given at the University by professors, alumni and other notable guest speakers.

According to Yale spokeswoman Helaine Klasky, the podcast has received over 50,000 hits in its first week This shows the usage and popularity.

Klasky later says that “For all the lectures, it is important that they stand alone - it is never necessary to follow a series in order to appreciate a single recording.”

I see all third level institutions provide podcasting, to support there students learning as they slowly recognize the need of digital natives. I think with continued usage, institutions will recognize the ability to podcast there content is very achievable and ultimately very appealing for students learning


YABOYA said...

Hello Stephen...

My lecturer in UCD, Joe Kiniry, recorded all his lectures. It was a pretty easy thing for him to do - on his laptop at the front of the class. I know I checkd on a few recorded lectures so they were definately useful. I like the way that allows you to be in control of your education in University. Rather than feeling like you are up sh*&ts creek if you are lagging behind.


Anonymous said...

website looks good stevie, keep up the good work.
maybe you can convince Napier to start podcasts of all lectures.
some of the lecturers dont even put coursework online!!!
anyway gota go i've got a coursework due in tomorrow
allnighter for me :)